A hand-drawn cartoon of Santa Vic and Nat'ly in a sleigh riding throught the night sky
A hand-drawn cartoon of Vic as Santa with a tall hat surrounded by the available holiday products
A hand-drawn cartoon of Santa Vic and Nat'ly surrounded by harkins' holiday products and listings
A hand-drawn cartoon of off-panel Vic and Nat'ly arguing whether purntsettas are flowers or dogs
A hand-drawn cartoon of Santa Vic and Nat'ly holding a banner with the holiday basket ingredients listed
A hand-drawn cartoon of Vic as Santa and Nat'ly arguing whether he or the reindeer work harder getting holiday basket fixings
A hand-drawn cartoon of Vic in a tall Santa hat next to the 1992 Christmas price list
A hand-drawn cartoon of Santa giving Mrs. Clause flowers from harkins the florist on Christmas Eve
A hand-drawn cartoon of a Santa-shaped flower arrangement next to a harkins, the florist banner
A hand-drawn cartoon of a larger woman dressed in holiday clothes, talking about John's Christmas party
A hand-drawn cartoon of Santa holding a beer, talking about the harkins open house

christmas 81-12 

A hand-drawn color cartoon of Santa Vic and Nat'ly surrounded by wreaths and poinsettias talking about the holiday products
A hand-drawn color cartoon of Vic and Nat'ly's heads over a harkins version of the Night Before Christmas